Saturday, March 25, 2006

My Pink Petal...

There was a day when I was wandering as lonely as a cloud.I was so directionless in my life...not knowing what to do.Then I came across a very special someone...she was like this flower...a very beautiful flower...In the middle of the garden of eternal love...

What do i do to hold this beautiful person...I did not know.I was living a very disillusioned life...drowned in my own glory and self praise and ego and power.But this person was so unique as a lone flower in the midst of towering trees.This person was so very beautiful and not just that...this special person...this beautiful girl taught me so many things in life...

She taught me what it means to be a man.
She taught me what it means to love somebody.
She taught me what it means to be selfless.
She taught me what it means to listen...
She taught me how wrong it is to be proud...
She taught me what it means to speak the truth...
She taught me to let go of my ego...
She taught me face tomorrow...and to take on the challenges,with COURAGE...
She gave my life a meaning...and a reason to go on...
She taught me what life is...and she taught me that life had more to it than just having fun...
She taught me what it means to Kneel down in God's presence...
She taught me the Power of Praise...
She taught me what Hope is...
And she gave me hope to carry on...and a reason to look forward to a brand new day...
She gave me the courage to speak my heart out...
And this makes her so very special to me...
Because she made me feel so Special...
She gave me her strength and she was my support...And most of all she gave me her shoulder to lie on and cry...when I needed somebody...

What do I do to this beautiful person...
I would love her forever...I would be her Umbrella through rain or sun shine...
I would keep loving her...Till I cant love her enough...Till I cant love her no more...but even when I reach the other side of the bridge..I Will NOT stop loving this sweet li'l angel of mine...that I fondly call...sweet pink petal of mine..


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