Monday, March 20, 2006

Another Happy Day...

I expected this monday to be yet another manic monday,what with all the work load and stuff that has been pending over the weekend...But then,to my utter surprise it rolled off without an incident like a well oiled bicycle...If it had been a friday i would have said...a well boiled icicle...

Anyways...I was on cloud 9 through out today as I met an old friend of mine...well he is old in the true sense of the word and he is pretty much like my friend though we meet only over a cuppa...anyways...he was asking me about my gf and it always sends me to a different planet...

And then I did send dear Sharmi a mail towards the end of the day...and then I came home...and when I came online I just checked my mobile only to see a very sweet message from my angel herself...and it was a sweet bear sitting on a park bench with a sweet message in tamil which roughly translates to...longing to see you... and when I saw that message,I was so thrilled that I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time...just that I did not know how to do it...and I did manage to call her and I spoke to her for a very short time,but it felt like an intra venous dose of sent me high up into the clouds...I really need some help getting down.

A monday could not have a better ending than this... Sharmi is now preparing for her exams and so I do not wish to disturb her now.

And some news...last night I played host to my australian roomie and made him eat rice and sambhar and rasam...and mutta chops...(it means...egg dont ask me for its recipie cos it will take another half hour to type it all)...

I made it as mild as I can...and guess what...he really enjoyed it...and what's more...I taught him how to eat with his hands...and in the process I ended up eating with my hands...after almost nearly a year...and boy it was a luxury to eat with my hands...I did manage to snap a quickie and I will send it to those of you who want to see that

Nothing much otherwise...Just keep watching this space because I still have my write up on The Falling Man...pending though...It is about a documentary that I saw about the men and women who chose to jump out of the burning WTC on 9/ was a very poignant documentary...not for the weak hearted though...

More on that just keep watching this space...and have a great week ahead all of you...over and out....


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