Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Boy Under The Apple Tree

I saw a boy sitting under an Apple tree. He looked so sad,that I could see that the tree was reflecting his gloom.

I walked up to him and sat beside him and asked him what was wrong with him.And he said he wanted to go home and be with the one he loves. It was a long story about why he was here...cos this apparently was not his home.I heard every bit if his story and I could help shed a tear.

He had crossed continents and flown over the seven seas. He seemed so tired and so sad. I asked him why he could not go home. He said it was not time for him yet. But he said...his home is where is heart is...and I did agree...

He said none can replace his special one...ever. And he wanted to hold this special person in a warm embrace.I agreed once again.

He was talking about someone who added colour to his life. I knew who he was talking about. But I could not say a comforting word. Because I knew how it felt.I stood up and walked my way home. But then,as I walked away...I left a piece of me behind,with the boy under the apple tree.


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