Saturday, March 25, 2006

An All Star Cast Desi Movie...

Well much has been spoken about meant Captain Vijayakanth...

But has anyone ever wondered if we make a movie as big as Titanic with an all star cast...thanks to my gf...I already have the screen names for Thigh-Tan-ic... Arrey is the Indian vershun of the movie... Simbly matter...nothing else...

Now Jack is Rasa and Rose is Rosa...and Gap-tain is the Rasa we are talking about...I really don't know who Kiran is but if she is we go..she will be our Rosa...

Location...definetly in my favourite the shores of ECR. Now we want a big ship... Dont worrie...we will get some props from VG Pannerdas... I always tell this man that I will promote him and he aaaalways gives a prop with his picture on it... Now we can always use something to hide his is the least of our worries...

Now...we also need someone to do the double for Kiran when she does the nude scenes... Are you thinging what i am thinging...(this is chennai tamil yaar...)...
Ummmph...Annnngh....back ground music for those steamy scenes...and in comes the nude we need some computer experts from the nearby pentamedia to morph the big figure to look like slim Kiran...we have the talent in Chennai to do it...I myself will call in a couple of pervert acquaintainces of mine to do it...

Now...where will Captain do his act...dont worrie yaar...we have an on board mattu vandi...courtesy Lalloo Ji who was so happy to give one of his Ferrari Styled vandi for the movie if we name one of the Characters Rabri...We had Manorama volunteering to act as Rosa's aunt and Manoramma took the name Rabri... our hero Rasa is busy teaching Rosa some skills of how to be an expert Kuruvi Kaaran...He takes Rosa her to the lower deck of the ship and teaches Rosa to do some tappan koothu to the tune of rosa poo,chinna rosa poo...

And then...he teaches her how to spit Vethala paaku into the comes a big gust of wind and paints our Villain Dummi(Sathyaraj) on his face...with all that red muck... Now is the time the story takes a new twist... The lovers are confounded...and Manoramma quickly hides her stash of Vethala pakku in her 19th fold of her saree...(why the 19th fold of her saree..)I'll let you know later...

And Rasa Rosa has her mouth full of Red Vethala...and Dummi is staring at her...looking for an explaination...and he Engli-pitch..since he is a Software engineer from Payrika...i mean America...Who is he...? Who is he...?

Rosa cries...not knowing how to speak with all vethalai in her mouth..she feigns an attack of dizziness...and then the on board doctor is called... Enter Dr.Mathra Boodham...

Now,Dr.Mathra Boodham is clueless as to what happened as he is still dazed by what happened a few minutes back...he assisted in the first of its kind in the world...on board delivery...Kushboo giving birth to a 100 children at the same time...Her super star husband is super star Rajini Kaanth who is also the engineer of the ship...In a seperate interview to the press when Super Star is asked how it was possible...Our Super star says..." Naan Oru dhedava Matter paana,Adhu nooru dhedava pana madhri...".

Now this short circuited Dr.Mathra Boodham's brain who thinks he has to retire.But now when he sees a beautiful girl on the star board with something that looks like blood in her mouth... And when he also sees something red on Dummi's Silk veshti... He thinks it was a sexual innendo gone wrong and he takes Dummi aside and asks him in a concerned tone... What ya...what ya...what you did to her...? Dummi is now fuming...he says...Go ya...She take vethala...I come...She fall...I call you...Now What can I do...?

With all this mayhem...there is a huge explosion...and this is the pressure cooker in the canteen which explodes killing the Chef(Senthil) on the spot and his assistant chef Koundamani running all over screaming... aiyoo aiyoo...this ship Total Damage....

Now the Skipper of the ship Maddy is informed who says that this ship is like is unsinkable...and he starts pole dancing...with his girl friend Jikki...

But then oblivious to all this is Rasa who is trying hard to cover the hole in the hull blown wide open by the pressure cooker explosion...

There is so much confusion everywhere... the passengers think it is tsunami and they start panicking...many jump into the murky waters of bay of bengal...and the cattamaran's rush to the rescue...No ice bergs here...this is new is called so,solely for the sake that Shakeela reveals her Thunder-Thighs...

Now...when there are no adequate catamarans to save everyone on board...our mad skipper orders people to jump over board...Now our chief musician of the ship Vadivel the Rock star is asked to start the music... with our man singing and entertaining people with his daang daang daankey...udaaang daang daankey he is stumped for a moment...then he thinks hard and then he decides to give a very patriotic touch...and he orders his band of brave musicians to sing.... jana gana mana... The scene fades out there with the whole ship standing in attention and sinking into the horizon...

So what happened to the sad ending... Hmmm this is a feel good movie because the news is the box office likes only happy when the picture fades in for the last scene of the movie,Rasa and Rosa are making love on the sands of the ECR...amid a group of dancing men and women who appear to come from no is always the case of tamil movies... ; )


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