Thursday, March 30, 2006

This Makes Me Laugh

I saw a small cartoon on the newspaper today...It was about two prisoners talking Blair...
One says"Did you hear...this latest scandal can mean 2 years prison sentence to Blair..."

And the other says"Gee...its gonna be really hard on Blair...because it means Mr.Blair has to stay in the country for 2 long years".

Nice one isn't it.

Now that we are talking about politicians...we know all the politicians are looney...

Mr.Ronald Reagan was one of them...well he was known for forgetting his dialogues during his acting career in Hollywood..and when he became the President of US of A...he was worse...In fact some one always had to remind him that he was not an actor anymore...

And just when we thought America has seen enough we just have

Now the headlines... Mr.Blair is wearing the anti bullying arm band... hoping to impress Beyonce I guess and get a date... Cherie is not gonna be impressed.

Laloo is taking gonna be funny....

More I gotto go.


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