Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Life here in UK

Its a crazy world here...
It is so hectic to work here in UK...it so happens that here the people are so fond of papers...sometimes i think about it and have a good laugh.
The Brits have to make things as complicated as it could ever get...for every single thing they do they have tonnes of paper work involved and then when they drown in their own trays of paper and tonnes of clutter,they curse about their job and how much of a pain it is in their back side about doing all the paper work...
Here's the best part...They invest millions of pounds on commercials and documentries to say how not to destroy the environment by cutting down trees and they make poignant depictions of how this world would look like a few decades down the line with all the deforestation going around...and then the presenter would have the gravest of human faces when he says...all this deforesatation can be avoided if only we make use of paper wisely...but then...for this program to go on air...it would have passed tonnes of paper work...how ironic...all the red tapism....
And then,when the presenter makes his point..collects his heavy pay check and hits the nearest pub to down a few pints of all those strange concoctions and come back home with a splitting head ache...no wonder UK is the Binge capital of the world...
there's more to say...i will post it in my subsequent blogs...but one this is certain...there can be no weirder generation of people than the brits..hey if you are a brit reading this..dont just stare at the monitor thinking what to do...Act...and stop wasting paper....and DON'T DRINK.


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